Friday, September 12, 2008

The London Eye Mystery by Siobhan Dowd

A solid mystery about the dissappearance of the main characters' cousin. He gets on the London Eye to ride it but never gets off.

What happened to Salim? Has he been kidnapped? Did he run away? Did he get lost? Maybe he didn't get on in the first place!

This book has an interesting twist in how it gets solved. Ted, one of our main characters, has a "brain that runs on a different operating system" than everyone else. We are never told but can assume he has asburgher's (sp?) syndrome. His autistic tendancies, and his sister's ability to keep him focused, are the fuel to figuring out this mystery.

Great family story and an intriguing mystery. There's a little bit of british cultural stuff that kids might confuse but not enough to keep anyone away from this little gem.

Pretty cool

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