Thursday, February 28, 2008

The Puzzling World of Winston Breen by Eric Berlin

Winston Breen loves puzzles. When he buys his sister a box at the local antique store, he is amazed to find part of a puzzle inside. The two children decide to solve the puzzle with the help of a public librarian and some disturbing adults who seem to want any prize for themselves.

Berlin, a puzzle creator, said he wrote the kind of book he wanted to read as a kid. The book is filled with logic puzzles for added enjoyment, but the reader does not need to solve the puzzles in order to understand the story.

Readers can print out copies of the puzzles from the book's website (click on the book title--hopefully it has linked correctly!) so they don't need to write in the book!

This book is a lot of fun--I booktalked it with 4th and 5th graders and then had them do one of the puzzles from the book. The puzzles have different complexity, so all readers can feel successful on at least some of them. (OK, I admit it--I didn't get them all correct!)

Good for grades 3 and up, and at least some middle school readers.

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